Our Vision
The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union strives to be the recognized leader in enhancing the student experience.
Our Mission
The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union exists to represent, serve and support the academic and non-academic needs of undergraduate students of the University of Saskatchewan through accountable, dynamic, and unified leadership. It also serves to protect and maintain the integrity of quality, accessible public education.
Our Values
The following principles shall guide the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union in all of its endeavours: innovation, integrity, mutual respect, professionalism, service, social, economic and environmental responsibility, teamwork, and trust.
Founded in 1909, the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union (USSU) is the representative body for all University of Saskatchewan undergraduate students. We are a non-profit corporation governed by an elected four-member student Executive and University Students’ Council (USC).
Membership in the Students’ Union is compulsory for all full-time, part-time, and off-campus undergraduate students, with student fees adjusted accordingly. The Students’ Union represents student concerns to the University, city, provincial, and federal governments. If you believe student life could be improved, please stop by and talk to an Executive member.
If you have any questions or concerns about the University or are having problems in your academic or non-academic life, email contactus@ussu.ca
How We Govern Student Affairs
University Students’ Council is comprised of the Students’ Union Executive and Members of Students’ Council representing each college and an additional Councilor for colleges with more than 1,000 students enrolled. There are also seats for representatives for International and Indigenous students.
USC makes all major decisions for the Students’ Union. The Executive then carries out these decisions. USC meetings are held weekly from September to April – all USSU members are welcome to attend. Meetings are held Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m.