Annual Budget
To enhance your university experience, the USSU provides a large number of services which are maintained through generated revenue, and the USSU fee of your dedicated student fees.
The USSU Budget is approved annually by University Students’ Council as presented by the Budget and Finance Committee. The USSU annual fiscal year is May 1 to April 30, and the USSU undergoes an audit each year by independent chartered accountants. Audited financial statements are made available to all undergraduate students in November for the Annual General Meeting.
Vice-President Operations & Finance
#110 – 1 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SK SN5A3
Phone: (306) 966-6967
Email: vpopfin@ussu.ca
Student Fees
In order to maintain programs and services that benefit U of S students, the USSU collects fees. You may be eligible to opt-out of your health, dental, and U-PASS. The eligibility requirements and processes differ for each fee.
Student Union Fee
The USSU fee is used to fund Students’ Union governance and services.
In 2006 undergraduate students voted to implement a mandatory Universal Transit Pass (U-Pass), this was made permanent in 2008. U-Pass offers students huge savings for transportation on Saskatoon Transit. Students with special circumstances may apply to the University of Saskatchewan Students Union (USSU) for an exemption from paying the U-Pass fee. For further information visit ussu.ca/upass/
Health and Dental Plan Fee
In the spring of 2001, students voted in favour of extended health and dental plan. The USSU Health & Dental Plan provides a comprehensive package of health, dental, vision, and travel benefits to fill the gaps left by provincial medicare and a parent or spouse’s plan. For questions about your coverage status, plan details, enrolment, and opt-out deadlines visit Studentcare, or call 1-877-795-4428 (toll-free) or visit the Health & Dental Plan Office in Place Riel.
Student Infrastructure Fee
In March 2003 students voted to implement the Student Infrastructure Fee for the purpose of constructing and sustaining student buildings (Place Riel and the Memorial Union Building).
Full-Time On-Campus Undergraduate Students
Students’ Union – Fall $58.42 Winter $58.42
Health and Dental Plan $317.88
Student Infrastructure Fee – Fall $64.96 Winter $64.96
U-PASS – Fall $97.31 Winter $97.31
Part-Time On-Campus Undergraduate Students
Students’ Union – Fall $29.21 Winter $29.21
Student Infrastructure Fee – Fall $32.48 Winter $32.48
U-PASS – Fall $97.31 Winter $97.31
Spring & Summer (Per Term)
Students’ Union – Spring $29.21 Summer $29.21
Student Infrastructure Fee – Spring $32.48 Summer $32.48
U-Pass – Spring $48.66 Summer $48.66
Off-Campus and Audit Only Students
Students’ Union – Fall $29.21 Winter $29.21