Teaching Excellence Award
Selected by students, the Teaching Excellence Award recognizes those who have demonstrated enthusiasm, organization, and fairness in evaluation, providing exceptional commitment and support to their classrooms.
2022-23 Winners:
- Carolyn Augusta
- Neil Chilton
- Barbara Fornssler PhD
- George A. Keyworth
- Jamesy Patrick
- Steven Rayan
- Tim Sharbel
- Paul Suchan
- Rachel Loewen Walker
- Zachary Yuzwa
2021-22 Winners:
- Dr. Julio Torres-Recinos
- Timothy Kang
- Lisa Birke
- Brandy Mackintosh
- Brent Bobick
- Amanda Lalonde
- Courtney Charles
- Terry Damm
- Cheryl Loadman
- Brian Lane
2020-21 Winners:
- Adam Bourassa
- Benjamin Hoy
- Katherine Stewart
- Jan Gelech
- Allison Smith
- Derek Jorgenson
- Ryan Banow
- Mika Lafond
- Dr. Josh
- Kyle McLeister
2019-20 Winners:
- Allan Dolovich (Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering)
- Cynthia Wallace (Department of English, St. Thomas More College)
- Jennifer Lang (Department of Music, College of Arts and Science)
- John Liptay (Department of Philosophy, St. Thomas More College)
- Louise Humbert (College of Kinesiology)
- Maricarmen Jenkins (Department of Philosophy, St. Thomas More College)
- Mark Carter (College of Law)
- Scott Napper (Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine)
- Sean Mulligan (Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology, College of Medicine)
- Shannon Forrester (College of Kinesiology)
2018-19 Winners
- Jon Bath (Department of Art and Art History, College of Arts and Science)
- Alison Norlen (Department of Art and Art History, College of Arts and Science)
- Martin Gaal (Department of Political Studies, College of Arts and Science)
- Laura Wright (Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Science)
- Adrian Clark (Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Science)
- Scott Thompson (Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Science)
- Barbara von Tigerstrom (College of Law)
- Noelle Rohatinsky (College of Nursing)
- Glenn Stuart (Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, College of Arts and Science)
- Tania Duclos (Department of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, St. Thomas More College)
2017-18 Winners
- Nathalie Johnstone (Department of Accounting; Edwards School of Business)
- David York (Department of Political Studies; Arts and Science)
- Roman Lukyanenko (Department of Finance and Management Science; Edwards School of Business)
- Kyle Anderson (Department of Biochemistry; Medicine)
- James Johnston (Department of Mechanical Engineering; Engineering)
- Jeffrey Long (Department of Computer Science; Arts and Science)
- Debbie Rolfes (Graham School of Professional Development)
- Yin Liu (Department of English; Arts and Science)
- Sarah Nickel (Department of Indigenous Studies; Arts and Science)
- Krystopher Chutko (Department of Geography and Planning; Arts and Science)
2016-17 Winners
- Steven Rayan (Department of Mathematics and Statistics)
- Barbara Phillips (Department of Management and Marketing, Edwards School of Business)
- Karen Schwean-Lardner (Department of Animal and Poultry Science, College of Agriculture)
- Patrick Kelly (St. Thomas More College)
- Jeff Schoenau (Department of Soil Science)
- Nadya Foty-Oneschuk (St. Thomas More College)
- Simonne Horwitz (Department of History)
- Fred Phillips (Department of Accounting, Edwards School of Business)
- Brian Zulkoskey (Department of Physics)
- Carolyn Brooks (Department of Sociology)
2015-16 Winners
- Al Chicoine, Veterinary Biomedical Sciences
- Alynn Brischuk, College of Kinesiology
- Shelley Peacock, College of Nursing
- Debbie Pushor, Curriculum Studies
- Neil Chilton, Biology
- Harry Deneer, Microbiology & Immunology
- Clayton Bangsund, College of Law
- Chris Clark, Large Animal Clinical Sciences
- Chelsea Willness, Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour
- Shawna Berenbaum, College of Pharmacy & Nutrition
2014-15 Winners
- Cheryl Besse (Nursing)
- Vince Bruni-Bossio (Management/Marketing)
- Tracie Risling (Nursing)
- Bruce Wobeser (Veterinary Pathology)
- Zachary Yuzwa (St. Thomas More College)
- Brenda Kelly (Educational Curriculum)
- Jacob Semko (Art and Art History)
- Jennifer Chlan (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
- Janeen Loehr (Psychology)
- Brandy Mackintosh (Accounting)
2013-14 Winners
- Alec Aitken (Geography and Planning)
- Carla Orosz (Drama)
- Scott Napper (Biochemistry)
- Paul Orlowski (Educational Foundations)
- Dean McNeill (Music)
- Monica Popa (Management and Marketing)
- Kathryn Labelle (History)
- John Moffatt (Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development)
- James Smith (Accounting)
- Tansley David (Languages and Linguistics)
2012-13 Winners
- Beverley Kobelsky (Drama)
- Allan Dolovich (Mechanical Engineering)
- William Robertson (ITEP – English)
- Richard Katz (Psychology)
- Mehdi Nemati (Chemical & Biological Engineering)
- Katharina Lohmann (Large Animal Clinical Science)
- Darcy Allen (Dentistry)
- Daniel Neilson (Computer Science)
- Jason Zorbas (Political Studies)
- Jitendrapal Sharma (Civil & Geological Engineering)
2011-12 Winners
- Karla Griffin (Art & Art History)
- Barbara von Tigerstrom (College of Law)
- Bruce Sparling (Civil & Geological Engineering)
- Wayne Dyck (Educational Psychology & Special Education)
- David Schreyer (Anatomy & Cell Biology)
- Glorie Tebbutt (English)
- Dionne Pohler (Edwards School of Business)
- Lorin Elias (Psychology)
- Donald Story (Political Studies)
- George Keyworth (Religion & Culture)
2010-11 Winners
- Barry Blakley (Veterinary Biomedical Sciences)
- Rachelle Brockman (Edwards School of Business)
- Nadya Foty (St. Thomas More College (Ukrainian)
- Darlene Kelly (St. Thomas More College (English)
- Sean Mulligan (Department of Physiology, College of Medicine)
- Cindy Nylund (College of Nursing)
- Nelly Plantiveau (St. Thomas More College (French)
- Rhonda Shewfelt (Veterinary Biomedical Sciences)
- Cindy Shmon (Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
- Susan Taylor (Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
2009-10 Winners
- Carolyn Brooks (Sociology)
- Jim Gibbons (Veterinary Biomedical Sciences)
- Paul Olszynski (Medicine)
- Sarah Powrie (English)
- Keith Russell (Kinesiology)
- Lynne Sandmeyer (Small Animal Clinical Sciences)
- Jeff Schoenau (Soil Sciences)
- Stella Spriet (Languages and Linguistics)
- Mark Wickstrom (Toxicology)
- Keith Willoughby (Finance and Management Science)
2008-09 Winners
- Michael P. Bradley (College of Engineering (Physics)
- Simonne Horwitz (Department of History)
- Dr. G. L. Gusthart (College of Kinesiology)
- Dr. Greg Malin (Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology)
- Elizabeth Quinlan (Department of Sociology)
- Dr. Ann Martin (Department of English)
- Dr. Swarnam Ravindran (Department of Chemistry)
- Dr. Ric Devon (Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology)
- Joy Agnew (College of Engineering)
- Dr. G. V. Loewe (Interdisciplinary Studies)
2007-2008 Winners
- Professor Art Davis (Department of Biology)
- Dr. Pamela Downe (Department of Women’s and Gender Studies)
- Dr. Mark Ebert (Department of Religious Studies and Anthropology)
- Assistant Professor Joel Lanovaz (College of Kinesiology)
- Dr. Richard J. Long (Edwards School of Business)
- Assistant Professor Brandy Mackintosh (Edwards School of Business)
- Dr. Scott Napper (Department of Biochemistry)
- Professor Roby Pywell (Department of Physics)
- Dr. Bonnie L. Stelmach (Department of Educational Administration)
- Assistant Professor Anne-Marie Wheeler (Department of Languages and Linguistics)
2006-2007 Winners
- Ellen Black (German)
- Ann DeVito (Latin)
- Iryna Dudka (Ukrainian)
- Jim Handy (History)
- Marie Lovrod (Women’s and Gender Studies)
- Susan McDonald (English)
- Tim Molnar (Educational Curriculum)
- Peter Purdue (Art Education)
- Yang Shi (Mechanical Engineering)
- Jeffrey Steeves (Political Studies)
2005-2006 Winners
- Prof. Adam Bourassa (Engineering)
- Dr. Jamie Campbell (Arts & Science)
- Dr. Trever Crowe (Engineerin)
- Dr. Xulin Guo (Arts & Science)
- Dr. Louise Humbert (Kinesiology)
- Dr. Fred Phillips (Commerce)
- Prof. David Rozotto (Arts & Science)
- Dr. Jaswant Singh (WCVM)
- Dr. Jeff Taylor (Pharmacy & Nutrition)
- Dr. Ken Van Rees (Agriculture)
2004-2005 Winners
- Dr. Chris Clark (WCVM Large Animal Medicine)
- Dr. Cindy Shmon (WCVM SACS)
- Dr. Vikram Misra (WCVM Virology)
- Dr. Patricia Dowling (WCVM Pharmacology)
- Dr. Edwin Ralph (EDCUR)
- Yin Liu (English)
- Eric Howe (Economics)
- Raymon Montalbetti (Drama)
- Dr. Robert Lindsay (Native Studies)
- Ron Wheeler (Political Studies)
2003-2004 Winners
- Mark Carter (Law)
- Paul Chartrand (Law)
- Vanina Dal Bello-Haas (Physical Therapy)
- Gordon DesBrisay (History)
- John Lavery (English)
- Rodolfo Pino-Robles (Native Studies)
- Keith Russell (Kinesiology)
- Verna St. Denis (EDIND)
- Ludmilla Voitkovska (Russian)
- Sharon Wright (History)
- Brian Zulkoskey (Physics)
2002-2003 Winners
- Carolyn Brooks (Sociology)
- Dr. Hugo Cota Sanchez (Biology)
- Dr. Allan T. Dolovich (General Engineering)
- Dr. Silke R. Falkner (German)
- Prof. John McCannon (History)
- Dr. Terry Matheson (English)
- Dr. Jitendrapal Sharma (Civil Engineering)
- Dr. Julio Torres Recinos (Spanish)
- Dr. Karen Wiebe (Biology)
2001-2002 Winners
- Dr. Theresa Zolner (Psychology)
- Dr. John C. Courtney (Political Studies)
- Prof. Doug Degenstein (Engineering Physics)
- Dr. Harry Deneer (Microbiology & Immunology)
- Dr. Lorin Elias (Psychology)
- Dr. Leon Wegner (Civil Engineering)
- Professor Ayten Archer (Commerce)
- John Thompson (Sociology)
- John Porter (Classics/History)
- Prof. Joy St. John (Women & Gender Studies)
2000-2001 Winners
- Prof. Marj Benson (Law)
- Prof. Ellen Black (Languages and Linguistics)
- Prof. Mark Burgess (Psychology)
- Dr. Karen Chad (Kinesiology)
- Dr. Len Gusthart (Kinesiology)
- Prof. Pamela Haig Bartley (Drama)
- Prof. Laura Klassen (Physical Therapy)
- Prof. Lesley McBain (Native Studies)
- Dr. Diana Relke (Women’s and Gender Studies)
- Dr. Ben Rosser (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
1999-2000 Winners
- Dr. Tom Steele (Physics)
- Dr. Peta Bonham-Smith (Biology)
- Dr. John Sibley (Medicine)
- Dr. Scott Napper (Biochemistry)
- Ms. Colleen Youngs, M.A. (Native Studies)
- Dr. Mel Hosain (Engineering)
- Mr. Shawn Davison, M.Sc. (Kinesiology)
- Mr. Raymon Montalbetti, B.A., B.E. (Drama)
- Dr. Brian Ulmer (Medicine)
- Dr. Stanley Rubin (Veterinary Medicine)
1998-1999 Winners
- Dr. Lesley Biggs (Women & Gender Studies)
- Dr. Geri Blandford (Dentistry)
- Dr. Louise Humbert (Kinesiology)
- Dr. Michael Kennedy (English)
- Claire Lipscomb (English)
- Dr. Tammy Marche (St. Thomas More)
- Dr. Patricia McDougall (St. Thomas More)
- Dr. Adel Mohamed (Medicine)
- Dr. Fred Phillips (Commerce)
- Dr. Ernie Walker (Archeology)
1997-1998 Winners
- Art Davis (Biology)
- John Dimmock (Pharmacy)
- Isobel Findlay (English)
- Len Findlay (English)
- Edwin Ralph (Education)
- Alan Reese (History)
- David Smith (Political Studies)
- Andrew Taylor (English)
- Lisa Vargo (English)
- Brian Zulkoskey (Physics)
1996-1997 Winners
- Ernie Barber (Engineering)
- Malcome Devine (Agriculture)
- Pamela Downe (Women and Gender Studies)
- Mel Hosain (Engineering)
- Perry Kimber (Physical Therapy)
- M. K. Leung (History)
- P. G. Mezey (Chemistry)
- Barb Phillips (Commerce)
- Keith Taylor (Mathematics)
- Byrad Yyelland (Sociology)
1995-1996 Winners
- S. L. Barbour (Engineering)
- J. Boychuck Duchene (Nursing)
- Len Findlay (English)
- E. Glasov Corrigan (S.T.M.)
- R. J. Griffen (S.T.M.)
- L. E. Klassen (Physical Therapy)
- P. Kopas (Arts and Science)
- M. Murphy (Education)
- R. Padwal (S.T.M.)
- Ben Rosser (Anatomy)
1994-1995 Winners
- M. Benson (Law)
- K. Chad (Physical Education)
- R. Franco (Modern Languages)
- S. Myers (Dentistry)
- J. Gajadharsingh (Education)
- M. Lyon (Medicine)
- L. Oliphant (Veterinary Medicine)
- F. Otero (Dentistry)
- D. J. Parkinson (English)
- M. S. C. Pedras (Chemistry)
1993-1994 Winners
- Lee Barbour (Engineering)
- David Blades (Education)
- Dianne Blanchette (Education)
- Gary Davis (Physics)
- David DeBrou (History)
- Pamela Haig-Bartley (Drama)
- Edwin Ralph (Education)
- Ben Rosser (Anatomy)
- Dave Scott (Psychology)
1992-1993 Winners
- R. D. Bell (Physical Education)
- Colin Boyd (Commerce)
- R. C. C. Cummings (Law)
- Mel Hosain (Engineering)
- J. W. Hubbard (Pharmacy)
- E. J. McCullough (S.T.M.)
- C. Peternelj Taylor (Nursing)
- Peter MacKinnon (Law)
- Dan Sydiaha (Psychology)
- Karen Wright (Nursing)