USSU 2024/25 Executive
The Executive Committee communicates the wishes of USC to the entire organization through projects, policies and awareness initiatives. Through the Senior Managers and administration team, the Executive Committee helps the USSU maintain a wealth of relevant services that enhance the student experience. Below are the Executive members and a brief explanation of their position profiles. Please feel free to contact them directly.

Hello! My name is Krunal Chavda (he/him), and I am a third-year computer engineering student. I’m excited to represent students as the USSU president. I have served as a Member of the Student Council for international students and as a Senator in 2022-2023, and I was also the President of the Indian Students Association in 2023-2024. I plan to bring in all the experience I have gathered at USask to improve the student’s life experiences on campus. When I am not busy with my studies and work, I can be found creating and designing projects using both software and hardware components.
- Oversee all affairs of the Union;
- Chief spokesperson for the Union;
- Chair the Executive Committee and Council;
- Coordinate the Executive;
- Become familiar with the operations of the offices of the University’s senior administration and report on student-related activities;
- Serve as a member of the Board of Governors of the University;
- Liaise with other student associations, unions, and organizations in Canada;
- Participate in individual student loan appeals;
- Ensure that all governance policy documents are up to date and relevant.
- Responsible for federal, provincial, and municipal government relations;
- Participate in government committees regarding student issues.
Krunal Chavda
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Thursday – University Students’ Council 5:30pm-8pm
Winter Term Credits
Three Classes (9)

Hello, I am excited to serve you all this year to build a vibrant, and inclusive university community together! My name is Moses Ahiabu (he/him), a fourth-year Finance student with a passion for marketing and entrepreneurship. I am involved in various aspects at USask, such as a Student Ambassador for Edwards, Opus and ISSAC, Tutor, TA for Business Statistics since May 2021, and more. In addition to my expertise, I am involved in extracurricular and professional development activities. I love cooking!
My academic achievements include but are not limited to making the Edwards Dean’s Honor List, making the top 15% performing students at USask, and a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society. Entrepreneurship and business have been my passion since childhood. Most people refer to me as “having a business and marketing DNA.” Research, mathematics, entrepreneur-driven, business-minded, people skills, and cosmic enthusiasm are my success pathways.
- Liaise with the operations and services of the Union;
- Ensure that the annual Union budget is prepared;
- Responsible for all issues regarding campus groups;
- In conjunction with the Controller, be responsible for overseeing the annual audit;
- Ensure that all operational policy documents are up to date and relevant;
- Responsible for transit and transportation affecting the Union.
Moses Ahiabu
Vice-President Operations and Finance
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Thursday – University Students’ Council 5:30pm-8pm
Winter Term Credits
Three Classes (9)

Hi! My name is Elisabeth Bauman (she/her), and I’m a 4th year honours student studying English and Medieval, Classical, and Renaissance Studies. I’m delighted to be serving as VP Academic for a second year, as I love working with the undergraduate student body through the USSU and have been involved since 2020. While my work showcasing and celebrating student academics is inspiring, I also find great fulfillment in my role helping students navigate the various policies and procedures at the university. I support students through academic grievance, misconduct, and appeal cases, and I enjoy working with students, faculty, and staff to find the best solutions when challenges present themselves. I love playing piano, reading, baking, and spending time with friends outside.
- Represent undergraduates on University Council;
- Assist students with academic issues including grievances and appeals;
- Coordinate with the Academic Grievance Assistant;
- Chair the USC Academic Relations Committee.
- Teaching, Learning and Academic Resources Committee
- Research, Scholarly, Artistic Work Committee
- Academic Programs Committee
- Scholarship and Awards Committee
- Advising Council
- Education Systems Steering Committee
- Classroom Renewal Program Steering Committee
- Student Forum
- Copyright Advisory Committee
- Academic Space and Scheduling Committee
- Library Transformation Committee
Elisabeth Bauman
Vice-President Academic Affairs
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:45am-4:45pm
Thursday – University Students’ Council 5:30pm-8pm
Winter Term Credits
Three Classes (9)

Hello everyone, I’m Upkar Singh, and I’m thrilled to be serving as your Vice President of Student Affairs. As a third-year Computer Engineering student, I’ve been deeply involved in our university community over the past few years. I’m excited to continue making a difference in this new role. I will also plan some fun events throughout the year to help us all build community and make the most of our time at the UofS. Whether playing squash, futsal, basketball, or exploring new places, I’m always up for an adventure. I love meeting new people, so please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself if you see me around campus!
Upkar Singh
Vice-President Student Affairs
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Thursday – University Students’ Council 5:30pm-8pm
Winter Term Credits
Three Classes (9)