USSU Symposium Winners 2022

Award Value Winner Project
Natural Science & Engineering Placement Awards
First Place $750 Kensington Renneberg Influence of LEP, CYSTM1, and HBEGF proteins on gestation length in Canadian beef cattle
Second Place $500 Evan Kohlman Evaluating the acute toxicity of antimicrobial compounds using the fish embryo acute toxicity (FET) test with fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)
Third Place $250 Ella Macquisten The effect of reproductive status on in vitro embryo production in bison
Health Sciences Placement Awards
First Place $750 Thomas Lowe Exploring a Novel Signaling Pathway involving Adenosine and HCN Channels in Epilepsy
Second Place $500 Memphis Long An Analysis of the Quality of YouTube Content About Nutrition and Dental Caries
Third Place $250 James Macaskill Assessing Outcomes of Saskatchewan’s Practice Enhancement Program
Social Sciences, Humanities & Fine Arts Placement Awards
First Place $750 Treyton Zary Major Saskatchewan firms and their views on climate change impacts on their supply chains: a look at modelling, mitigation and adaptation, and implications
Second Place $500 Rebecca Keindel & Manasvi Jariwala Re-colour
Third Place $250 Leanne Read Water You Waiting For
Other Awards
The Vice-Provost’s Award in Indigenous Engagement Award $500 Maia Houle Resilience (original song)
Mayor’s & the University President’s Award in City-Building Award $500 Treyton Zary Major Saskatchewan firms and their views on climate change impacts on their supply chains: a look at modelling, mitigation and adaptation, and implications
Signature Research Area Award $250 Kensington Renneberg Influence of LEP, CYSTM1, and HBEGF proteins on gestation length in Canadian beef cattle
Signature Research Area Award $250 Evan Kohlman Evaluating the acute toxicity of antimicrobial compounds using the fish embryo acute toxicity (FET) test with fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)
Remai Modern & The University President Award in Artistic Engagement $250 Leanne Read Water You Waiting For
Sustainability & People $200 James Macaskill Assessing Outcomes of Saskatchewan’s Practice Enhancement Program
Sustainability & Planet $200 Matthew Hergott, Rachael Benjamin, Jiggs Miguel, Kale Klassen, Akaysha Envik, Bill Sakal, Valeria Torres Full Circle Composting Collective
Sustainability & Prosperity $200 Rebecca Keindel, Hailey Ens, Disuri Dharmaratne, Muhammad Mehdi Build-A-Business
Sustainability & Peace $200 Levi Perrault The Dark Side Of Intellectual Property Law: How IP Rights Can Protect Victims of Online Exploitation
People’s Choice Award $250 Taya Koob Functional mapping of the essential viral transcription activator ICP4
Business & Entrepreneurship Award $250 Rebecca Keindel and Manasvi Jariwala Re-colour