The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union (USSU) is conducting elections for the USSU Executive and University Senate. Voting begins at 9am on Wednesday, March 27, and ends at 4pm on Thursday, March 28.

All eligible voters will have access to the My Election channel in PAWS. Additionally, a notice of the election will appear in PAWS as a larger “sticky” announcement at the top of the PAWS Announcements feed and will not disappear until dismissed by individual users (with “Vote now” or “No thanks” buttons) or the close of the election.

The virtual forum was held on Tuesday, March 26th at 7pm on Zoom.  To watch the virtual forum, click here.

2024/25 Candidate Information


Krunal Chavda

Gurbaz Singh

Vice-President (Operations and Finance)

Moses Ahiabu

Mohamad Al Hmaydi

Hamza Saghir

Vice-President (Academic Affairs)

Elisabeth Bauman

Diya Khamar

Vice-President (Student Affairs)

Dhairya Mehta

Ilona Rafiq

Upkar Singh

University Senate

Abhineet Goswami

Nishtha Mehta

Brock Neufeldt

Celeste Nunez Valdivieso