Members of Students’ Council
Members of Students’ Council (MSC) are elected in March to represent their constituency and are expected to abide by the USSU Code of Ethics. Councillors consult with their constituents and collaborate with fellow councillors to act as an advocate for students. The term of councillors begins on May 1 and ends on the following April 30.
Meetings of Students’ Council are generally every Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Roy Romanow Student Council Chamber during Term 1 and 2. Meetings are open to all undergraduate students except when Council moves in camera to discuss sensitive business. Students’ Council welcomes input from the public during meetings, but please be aware that all meetings of the council observe Robert’s Rules of Order.
For more information, please read the USSU Bylaw.
University Students’ Council Meetings are generally every Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Roy Romanow Student Council Chamber, with the exception of May, June, July, and August.
Additional meetings may be called at the request of the President or upon the request of one-third of the councilors and submitted in writing to the Executive.
- Pass an annual budget for the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union.
- Establish standing committees, boards, other committees and commissions from time to time that it considers advisable to make recommendations to the University Students’ Council.
- Establish policies and direction for the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union in areas affecting student affairs and to give direction to the Executive Committee with respect to same.
- Promote, in cooperation with the Executive, the general welfare of undergraduate students at the University of Saskatchewan.
- Report back, on a regular basis, to the constituency group from which they were elected.
- Have final authority over the interpretation of the USSU Bylaw.