
Advocacy is crucial in meeting students’ academic and non-academic needs. At the USSU, we are committed to advocating for students at all levels of government and within the university community.

Our advocacy efforts extend to federal, provincial, and municipal levels of government, where we work to promote policies and initiatives that support the needs of our student population. We also engage with the university administration to advocate for improvements to academic programs, student services, and campus facilities.

Through our advocacy work, we aim to create a positive and supportive environment for all students at the University of Saskatchewan. By working with government and university partners, we can make meaningful progress towards meeting the needs of our students and improving their overall university experience.

If you are a student at the University of Saskatchewan and have concerns or issues that require advocacy support, please do not hesitate to contact the USSU. We are here to represent and support you in all aspects of your academic and non-academic life.
