Annual General Meeting
University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union
Annual General Meeting
6:00 p.m. November 28, 2024
ARTS 143
All undergraduate students assessed the USSU fee are eligible to propose amendments to the USSU Bylaw. The USSU consults with the USSU lawyer to ensure that the proposed amendments are legal and adhere to the spirit and intent of the Bylaw.
The AGM will be held Thursday, November 28, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in ARTS 143. USSU members will vote on all amendments. Pizza & refreshments will be provided!
- Call to Order
- Call for Quorum
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Adoption of AGM Minutes
- Auditor’s Report
- 5.1 Presentation of Audited Financial Statements by KPMG
- 5.2 Financial Statement Resolution – Be it resolved that the audited financial statements of the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union be accepted for the year ended April 30, 2024, as presented.
- 5.3 Auditing Firm Resolution – Be it resolved that the auditing firm of KPMG Chartered Accountants be appointed for the 2024/2025 audit.
- Proposed Amendments
- 6.1 Proposed Amendment to Section 15 (by Estefan Cortes-Vargas)
- 6.2 Proposed Amendment to Section 16 (by Estefan Cortes-Vargas)
- 6.3 Proposed Amendment to Section 18 (by Nada Emara)
- 6.4 Proposed Amendment to Section 25 (by Estefan Cortes-Vargas)
- 6.5 Proposed Amendment to Section 35 (by USSU Executive)
- 6.6 Proposed Amendment to Section 37 (by USSU Executive)
- 6.7 Proposed Amendment to Section 38 (by USSU Executive)
- 6.8 Proposed Amendment to Section 60 (by Emma Wintermute)
- 6.9 Proposed Amendment to Section 63 (by USSU Executive)
- 6.10 Proposed Amendment to Section 81 (by Estefan Cortes-Vargas)
- Proposed Motions
- President’s Report
- Questions and Comments for Executive (30 minutes)
- Any Other Business
- Adjournment